Feedback/Review form


Thank you for taking the time to give us a feedback. This will take a minute or two at most.

Below is a short form where you can add your feedback. Please note, this is not a review form for the product although it can be if you think it will pass your message to us better.

The information you share with us on this form is for ‘our eyes’ only. That is to get better at what we do so customers such as yourself will get the best product we can produce and deliver as if it just left the greenhouse.


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Picture of Fresh Spirulina

Fresh Spirulina

Founded in Southeast QLD and located on Certified Organic farmland, we are an Australian-made Fresh Spirulina commercial farm. We are subject to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and produce fresh Spirulina using food-grade nutrients only, pay attention to the freshness and health of our spirulina.