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Featuring: Retail packaging. Straight from the farm. Non-hard plastic use. Recycle with peace of mind. (250g size order picture, your pack may look different).

Fresh Spirulina Powder 100g Packs

Reset your body every morning with a nutritionally - rich food, high in Protein and Vitamins, a blend of micro & macronutrients that your body will love.




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Grown in Australia logo

Packaging – Minimal packaging. Bulk orders, non-retails, no hard plastic. 🌱

Shelf life – Fresh Spirulina Pure Powder will stay good for 2 years. Place your Fresh Spirulina Powder in a cool, dry and dark place.

Pollens and allergens – Fresh Spirulina is clean of substantial pollens and allergens. The Fresh Spirulina is cultivated organically. No herbicides or pesticides used at any stage, it is non-GMO and doesn't contain gluten, soy or dairy.

Shipping information – Shipped mainly on Mondays - Wednesdays. We use mainly Australia Post as a courier service. AusPost proved over time to be a reliable and resilient service. While not guaranteed during these days of COVID-19, this is an overnight service in most cases. It means that you can expect the parcel within 1-3 days. If you aren't at home/office to receive your parcel, it will wait for you at the nearest post office.

Note: Spirulina, in any form, capsuled, powder, dry or frozen is food, not drug or medicine. (a highly nutritious food).

Real reviews from real customers

Naomie M.
Verified customer
Such a great product- it’s super fresh spirulina. Happy to find its locally grown in Queensland. Thanks you have a new repeat customer

On Fresh Spirulina Pure Powder - 100g
Craig L.
Verified customer
Great to find Aussie spirulina Easy to deal with & quick delivery

On Fresh Spirulina Capsules - 78g (150 Capsules)
Janet J.
Verified customer
I am very happy with my powder. I mix it into a green smoothie every morning and it tastes great Service and fast delivery was impeccable. I will definitely be ordering again in the spring Thanks so much

On Fresh Spirulina Pure Powder - 100g

Fresh Spirulina - the product

Grown on certified organic farmland – The land, cultivation structures and water at the farm are all certified organic. The fertilisers we use are all food grade. Some of them we buy at the supermarket isles.

Tested for heavy metals at 3rd party labs – The product is undergoing several tests to meet the Australian food standard and to ensure biological & chemical cleanliness (this includes testing for the presence of heavy metals too).

Collected overtime over 140 verified customer reviews. – We have emphasised customer service and the quality of the product.

No middle man, from the farm to you the customer.

Fresh Spirulina packs are sent within simple packaging, that you can recycle and/or reuse for minimum footprint.

No additive or filler inside was introduced at any stage to the Spirulina Powder. it is 100% pure Spirulina 100% of the time.

Fast Australia-wide shipping, and next-day delivery (from dispatch) at no extra cost with a reliable courier.

Fresh Spirulina Powder is used as a self-care strategy for more energy, nutritional balance (insurance), weight management control, detoxing (cleansing) and alkalising. Athletes enjoy higher endurance and strength and seniors enjoy its excellent bioavailability i.e. nutrient absorption.

Grown on certified organic farmland no herbicides, pesticides or other solvents are introduced during the cultivation period or the process. It is 3rd party tested for peace of mind.

Pure & Simple – nature itself provides perfect nutrition, untouched and minimally processed. Pure and simple nutrients spectrum the way it is meant to be eaten.

Guaranteed Goodness – Fresh Spirulina Powder is made only with food-grade nutrients, a controlled environment and a controlled rainwater source utilising a system of filters (sediment and biological). In other words, Fresh Spirulina Powder is proudly made without chemicals or artificial ingredients, ensuring you get nothing but organic, non-GMO goodness with every scoop.

Ingredient Fresh Spirulina Packs: 100% Arthrospira Platensis. Store in a cool dry place.

Spirulina is also known as blue-green microalgae that grow in alkaline water (high pH levels and was announced by United Nations as the world’s healthiest food.

It is rich in beta carotene, phytonutrients and high-quality plant-based i.e. vegetable protein (with all the essential amino acids). Also within the Spirulina cell are found essential vitamins (the B complex) and the phytonutrients known as mentioned the antioxidant beta carotene, the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and polysaccharides.

The spirulina powder’s deep blue-green colour comes from its spectrum of natural pigments: chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue) and carotenoids (orange), which metaphorically described as ‘harvesting the sun’s energy’ – a.k.a photosynthesis. Spirulina features 100% bioavailability thanks to its protein cell wall. This means nutrients are absorbed quickly. Spirulina is extensively researched and well documented in distinctive journal articles, and periodicals of the ’70s of the 20th century.

33 Koppen Drive, Wamuran,
4573, QLD

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 16:00

Spirulina is food and not drug or medicine.

Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this website, have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

© Fresh Spirulina 2022

Organic Spirulina

Pure Fresh Spirulina Made in QLD

Before anything, a few words about the products called "Certified Organic Spirulina"

Short and to the point,

before anything, we want to clarify something which is somewhat a misunderstanding by many people. There's no such thing as certified organic Spirulina. Certified organic produce, primary production can only be organically certified if grown in soil. Since Spirulina is grown suspended in water, it cannot be certified organic. That is law in Australia (and so is in the U.S).

In other words, claimed Certified Organic Spirulina is simply not true. Even if it is from overseas. Yes, we can get a private company and pay them X amount of dollars to be certified organic. However, this will not change a thing in the cultivation methods or the fertilised used in the process.

We can claim in terms of Certified Organic that the spirulina farm is physically standing on certified organic farmland, and so is the water on it and used. The greenhouses where the Spirulina is cultivated are certified organic and the fertilisers used are food grade. Everything involved in growing the spirulina is tested and at the Certified organic level. Spirulina itself, however, cannot receive the certification. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know the regulations and the law around it or not telling the truth.

We know you think, "I have seen Spirulina powder with the Certified Organic mark on it." That is because that ACO has agreements with other organisations from around the world, and they accept each others' certifications. So example, if in China the law says that Spirulina can be certified organic, the local organisation will give it the approval, and therefore ACO must give it the accreditation too.​

There's more to say about the subject of Certified Organic Spirulina, especially to Spirulina that comes from Sout-East Asia and receives the Certified Organic stamp, but those are the fundamentals. It is impossible to grow spirulina-certified organic because it isn't grown in soil. The soil is what is certified, not the produce.

When you buy a Certified Organic Banana or Avocado, it isn't the fruit that is certified organic, it is the land it is growing on that is certified.

250g Spirulina powder pack front and back sides image
Spirulina capsules cylinder front image
Fresh Spirulina Pure Powder Image

Our Spirulina

Grown on certified organic farmland

The land, cultivation structures and water at the farm are all certified organic. The fertilisers we use are all food grade. Some of them we buy at the supermarket isles.

Tested for heavy metals at 3rd party labs

The product is undergoing several tests to meet the Australian food standard and to ensure biological & chemical cleanliness (this includes testing for the presence of heavy metals too).

Collected overtime over 140 verified customer reviews.

We have emphasised customer service and the quality of the product.

Understand what are alkalinity & acidity mean

Alkalinity and Acidity: How to Achieve and Maintain a Healthy pH

In this short condensed version ebook, we explain clearly what is alkalinity in plain concise language. Same as with the Certified Organic Spirulina subject, now that you understand the meaning of Certified Organic, you will understand what is Alkalinity, how it contributes to your health and what you can do to become even more alkaline.

Download the ebook and get 100g spirulina at $20.00 OR
150 Spirulina capsules at $33.5 (40-50% off) + Free delivery

Get 100g Spirulina at $20.00 OR Get 150 Spirulina capsules at $33.5 (50% off + free delivery)

Thank you for trying our Spirulina.

Get yourself some organic healthy alkaline food.

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