Fresh Spirulina, Australia

Green smoothie

These days the best investments are not only in pension funds, health insurance and the stock exchange but in our health. Drinking green smoothie is a progress that nourishes the body with healthy food in a fun easy way, simple to apply and will give you practical tools.
We are used to eating and consume none natural food and synthetic vitamins, we ignore the body’s needs, we are addicted to caffeine, sweets and other simulators that don’t contribute to the body’s health in any way. Drinking green smoothie will help, in small steps, to make that change towards healthier living. In an as short period as two weeks, you will feel the change. Life is going to change.


Green smoothie images

Green smoothie – especially energetic drink

A green smoothie is a drink that based on large amount of green leafs, consuming green leafs by themselves could change fair few aspects in person’s health and well-being.
Beyond the green leafs, the drink includes sorts of super foods (not all of them) such as pollen, goji berries, chia seeds, fresh spirulina, maca and cacao polls. As a result, the green smoothie is concentrated drink, contains essential health ingredients which are hard to consume even when you are keeping a healthy diet. Part of the ingredients described above in the green smoothie there also included in the blend season’s fruits which are adding both sweetness and flavour. The combination creates an energy drink, abundant with minerals and vitamins, sweet, yummy, nutritious and providing the feeling of fullness and satiety (A whole meal in one green smoothie)

The importance of green leafs – the nutrition food and most missing at the western culture

A green smoothie is certainly nutritious and brings excitement reaction from those using it for the first time.
Green leafs are the most nutritious food but the most ascent in the western society. the chlorophyll, the green pigment in the leafs in its molecular structure is very similar to the haemoglobin within the human blood cell and therefore very important to those of us who live in the urban environment.

Click to view smoothie recipes

The natural nutritionist featuring many green smoothies recipes
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