Fresh spirulina manufacturing
In this short article, we thought to share with you a little about the fresh spirulina manufacturing process, present and upcoming…
Fresh raw spirulina

Here you can see fresh spirulina right after harvesting, (i.e. taken out of the water/growth media), still vibrating under the sun.
Fresh spirulina paste
This picture shows the spirulina paste. This is what fresh raw spirulina looks like when the excess water was extracted from it.
Freshly frozen spirulina
This picture featuring freshly frozen spirulina packaged in 20gr portion. Freezing is done immediately after the water extraction to ensure sealing of all the best fresh spirulina has to offer.
Spirulina crunch
This picture is of dried spirulina. These are spirulina flakes, crunch. They go really well in salads and yoghurts, for example, boosting your health by adding minerals, vitamins and plant source protein.
Dried spirulina is not as great as the freshly frozen, though, the dehydrating, heating process is destroying some of its vital health components.
Phycocyanin extract
This picture below is of extracted Phycocyanin off the spirulina. We isolated this pigment to illustrate the abundance presence of this healthy pigment in the spirulina. Phycocyanin is the blue pigment that gives the spirulina its blue-green colour. It is a potent and very powerful antioxidant. (e.g. 20 times more potent than vitamin C).
Below the phycocyanin photo, there is another image illustrating what antioxidants do.
You can read about phycocyanin in more details in this short article: Phycocyanin: valuable component of spirulina
The photo above: Illustration of the what antioxidant and free radical are and how they interact. Many people are raising an eyebrow, nod and move uncomfortably when antioxidants are mentioned. On the next newsletter, we will elaborate on those.
That’s about it,
a short tour of how fresh spirulina is manufactured, showing you the beginning and the end results. Other middle stages involve water testing, measuring values (e.g. pH, temp etc..), scanning for properties (e.g. the presence of minerals, vitamins, Omega – 3, 6 & 9 compounds, protein etc..), correct nutrient mixing, quality testing etc…
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